
End of Session 2021 Newsletter

Happy June! This month means so many things in our state and our community; it’s the start of Pride month, the end of the academic year for our students, the close of the legislative session in Springfield, and the celebration of Juneteenth, to name a few. We also have a lot to celebrate with more than 63% […]
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Why Cryptocurrency? Why now? Why Illinois?

HB3968 creates a Special Purpose Trust Company making digital assets a part of Illinois’ financial services future. It will create a stable regulatory environment where businesses in Illinois have the ability to bank digital assets. The bill passed the Illinois House unanimously, bringing Illinois one step closer to being the national leader in fintech. Cryptocurrency […]
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Q+A: COVID-19 Vaccine Edition

I want to highlight vaccine distribution in IL-12 and answer common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. The City of Chicago is moving quickly, 692,237 doses of the vaccine have been administered as of March 11th. I encourage everyone that is eligible to receive the vaccine in order to protect our community.   What phase are we […]
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March 2021 Newsletter: Legislative Priorities

As we settle into March, I can’t help but reflect on how different our world has become in the last year. There isn’t one part of my life that hasn’t been affected by COVID-19, and I know this is the case for many of us. Worries about our loved ones’ health, our finances, our communities, […]
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102nd Legislative Session: Committees

Speaker Welch recently announced the Democratic House committee assignments, and I’m thrilled to share with you a little bit about the committees I’ll be serving on in the 102nd legislative session. Financial Institutions. I am honored to be the Vice Chair of the Financial Institutions Committee, where I will be uniquely positioned to help make […]
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Covid-19 Vaccination Information

The COVID-19 vaccine is a critical tool to safely reach the other side of this pandemic. Through efficient and effective distribution of the vaccine, we can suppress the spread of the virus, save as many lives as possible, and rebuild our economy. Illinois will only distribute a vaccine that is deemed safe. As we move […]
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Finishing the 101st Session

We’re finishing out the 101st legislative session in Springfield. Even though things look different than I imagined when I started my campaign in 2019, I’m honored and humbled (and so excited) to be here.
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